Barretes amb arròs integral inflat

Categoria: Postres, Vídeo receptes
2 hores i 30 minuts
Per a 4 persones
Dificultat alta


50g d'arròs integral NOMEN
50 g de nous
20g de sèsam torrat
20g de coco ratllat
40g de sucre (2 cullerades plenes)
100g de xocolata (negre, blanc o amb llet)


Vídeo recepta:

This uses the Divi tabs module, so you can style it however you want using Divi's built in design controls!Pretty nifty eh?
And of course you can add images or whatever you want here too.Tabs are nothing new, but tabs that display inside your mega menu are pretty awesome 🙂
More awesome stuff goes here
More awesome stuff goes here
More awesome stuff goes here